
sk8logic > Ice Time for Mac

Application Updates

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In addition the regular checks with the rink servers, the program checks once every few days with a master server to determine whether there are any changes which affect the application as a whole. This includes the list of participating rinks and definitions for things such as the names and colors assigned to session types. It also includes information about the version history of the app itself.

When a new version has been released, the app will notify you by opening a window like this:


Notice the phrase “recommended, but not required” in this example. This will be the usual case. Releases typically contain fixes for any bugs that have been discovered, improvements to the underlying code, and/or new capabilities.

Updating would only be required in the infrequent situation where it has become necessary to change the content or format of the data posted online in a manner which is not compatible with old versions. A lot of effort goes into maintaining compatibility with recent releasses. But there are limits, and eventually versions older than a particular minimum will become “obsolete”. If you get a message that your version is obsolete, you must update to the new version to continue using the app.